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Financial Reports White Papers Service Announcements Product Catalogs Instruction Manuals
Operations Guides Case Studies Presentation Scripts Proposal Editing Technical Fact Sheets
BPES understands the importance of directing key information to the press, shareholders, the financial community, suppliers, and the public sector. BPES applies proven abilities to combine factual data with a narrative editorial approach to tell its client’s story.
We integrate graphic elements with descriptive text that reflects a coordinated approach to informational and promotional programs. With unified management of content, production, design, and distribution, BPES is a single source of responsibility to meet the critical communications objectives for business and the professions.
{ Manufacturers, distributors, and retailers
{ Law, medical, and design firms
{ Health care facilities
{ Organizations and associations
{ Service firms and consultants
{ Educational institutions
“With a working knowledge of what’s going on internationally in the business and design worlds, Vilma takes on new challenges that create a distinct voice in the marketplace. Vilma is simply a pleasure to work with.”
―Jim Crockett
Editorial Consultant, AEC media